Add Parent / User

Parents can add guardians to their child’s account within the app. This allows guardians to participate in their child’s learning journey and stay informed about their progress.

Open the Tinybit app to get started!

  • Step 1 : Locate the button or menu option labeled “Add Guardian” within the parent section of the app.
  • Step 2 : A form will appear where you can enter the guardian’s information, such as their name, email address, and phone number.
  • Step 3 : Indicate your relationship to the child (e.g., parent, teacher).
  • Step 4 : If there are multiple guardians, you can assign a priority level. This determines who receives notifications and has access to certain features.
  • Step 5 : Once you’ve entered all the details, click “Save” to add the guardian to your child’s account. The guardian will then receive an invitation to join the app.
  • To-Do List

    Staying organized is key! The to-do list feature helps parents manage their tasks and their child’s tasks within the app.

    Open the Tinybit app to get started!

  • Step 1 : Locate the “To-Do List” section within the parent dashboard of the app.
  • Step 2 : Click on the “Add Task” button or similar option. This will allow you to enter the details of the task you want to add.
  • Step 3 : Choose option to assign the task to yourself or your child.
  • Calendar

    Juggling your own schedule and your child’s appointments can be a challenge. Tinybit’s shared calendar helps you keep track of everything in one place!

    Open the Tinybit app to get started!

  • Step 1 : Locate the “Calendar” section within the parent dashboard of the app.
  • Step 2 : Click on a specific date and time to add a new entry. You can then enter the details of the task or appointment, including: Title, Time, Type of Task.
  • Step 3 : Choose who the task or appointment is personal reminder for yourself or create a reminder for your child. This will help them stay on top of their schedule and build responsibility.
  • Alarm

    Never miss a medication reminder, therapy session, or bedtime story again with Tinybit’s customizable alarm feature!

    Open the Tinybit app to get started!

  • Step 1 : Locate the “Alarms” section within the parent dashboard of the app.
  • Step 2 : A list will display all currently set alarms, including those created by your child and any you’ve previously set for them. You can easily view details like the alarm title, time, and who it’s assigned to (you or your child).
  • Step 3 : Click on the “Add Alarm” button or similar option.
  • Weather

    Being prepared for the weather is essential, especially for children with special needs. Tinybit’s weather assistant helps you ensure your child is dressed comfortably for the day!

    Open the Tinybit app to get started!

  • Step 1 : Locate the “Weather” section within the parent dashboard of the app.
  • Step 2 : The app can automatically detect your current location to display the relevant weather information. Alternatively, you can enter a specific location if needed (e.g., for upcoming trips or school outings).
  • Step 3 : Based on the temperature and humidity, the app will suggest appropriate clothing options for your child (e.g., light jacket for cool mornings, raincoat for rainy days).
  • Translator

    Tinybit understands that communication can sometimes be challenging. The built-in translator tool empowers parents to overcome language barriers and effectively communicate with their children’s therapists, teachers, or caregivers who may speak a different language.

    Open the Tinybit app to get started!

  • Step 1 : Locate the “Translator” section within the parent dashboard of the app.
  • Step 2 : Type the text you want to translate into the designated field.
  • Step 3 : Choose the language you want the text translated into from a comprehensive list of supported languages.
  • Step 4 : Click on the speaker icon or a similar option to hear the translated text spoken aloud. This can be helpful for pronunciation practice or better understanding.
  • Location

    Knowing your child’s whereabouts can provide peace of mind. Tinybit’s location tracker allows you to discreetly check your child’s location on a map in real-time.

    Open the Tinybit app to get started!

  • Step 1 : Locate the “Location” section within the parent dashboard of the app.
  • Step 2 : The screen will display a list of all the users (children) connected to your account.
  • Step 3 : Choose the name of the child whose location you want to see.
  • Step 4 : The map will display your child’s current location.
  • Step 5 : For better clarity, you can customize your map view by selecting from the following options: Normal, Satellite, Terrain, Hybrid
  • Manage Feelings

    Supporting your child’s emotional well-being is crucial. The Manage Feelings feature in Tinybit empowers children to identify and express their emotions in a healthy way, while also providing parents with valuable insights.

    Open the Tinybit app to get started!

  • Step 1 : Look for the notification icon within the parent dashboard.
  • Step 2 : Clicking the notification will display your child’s recent entries in the Manage Feelings feature.
  • Videos

    The Videos feature in Tinybit offers a library of engaging and educational content that can help your child learn and grow.

    Open the Tinybit app to get started!

  • Step 1 : Locate the designated section for “Videos” within the parent dashboard of the app.
  • Step 2 : Once in the Videos section, you’ll likely see a categorized interface. These categories could include: Success Stories, Education, Entertainment.
  • Step 3 : Each category will likely have its own set of videos. You can use the filter options to view only videos within a specific category (e.g., Success Stories, Education, or Entertainment). This allows you to curate the content your child has access to based on their interests and learning needs.